Urban Green Care
Acivity 1
How can green spaces create healthier cities & improve our mental and physical health?
This activity can teach you how urban green care actions can improve mental health, simply by using your internet skills and critical thinking! Learning to identify urban green care activities in your area or city and promote their health benefits for citizens, can help you in the future to volunteer or work in green CSOs or networks that find, promote and incubate such initiatives.
Watch the short video at the link on this topic: “How can green spaces create healthier cities & improve mental health?” in the resources section and based on the video make a short list of bullet points on how to improve the mental health of city dwellers using urban green care practices and activities in public green spaces. Then your task is to do a short internet search to identify at least two (2) green care actions and initiatives either in your country or in another country, in green spaces to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of citizens. In your opinion, what are finally the positive benefits for citizens’ health resulting from urban green care activities that you have found from your internet search? Post your list and proposed green care actions in you social media profile or make a short story about them on social media