Forest Based Care

Activity 4

Forests are in danger

This activity will help you develop your critical thinking about human actions that have negative impact on nature. It will help you develop skills for systematization of information and lead you to deepen your knowledge humans’ negative impact on forests. Activity will enlighten how dangerous some of our actions are for the future of our planet. It will provide you with a knowledge of different threat our forests are facing on a daily basis.

In the Resources section, you will find a link to an e-book Careforest. Take your time and scroll through the book. Focus on pages 168–197. This section writes about negative human impact on forests and what kind of danger forests are exposed to. In resources section you will also find a link to the article Threats to forests, where you can read also about natural threats that are occurring.

For further inspiration, you can also watch video Impact of human activities in the forests. You will find the link in the Resources.

Your task is to prepare an Infographic about threats, to which forests are exposed to. For the template, you can use online software Canva (find the link in the Resources section). You can create your own free account. Search for some infographics to get inspired. 

You can help your inspiration also by checking an infographic shared in the Resource section.

Keep in mind:

Information on infographic should be short, clear, unambiguous, objective, visually appealing and attracting.

Prior making your final product take a blank sheet and make a sketch. Think about what colours you will include, which text will be bigger and bolder. At the end, you want your Infographic to be efficient and informative to a person who is not necessarily familiar with the subject.

When you are satisfied with your work, share your work on social media and urge people to think about the seriousness of the situation.